5-Day Challenge: Scale Down Your Crochet

5-Day Challenge: Scale Down Your Crochet

Hello, micro makers (or future micro makers)! I hope you’re having a great week!

Here in South Carolina, it’s been hot, as it usually is in July. It was also rainy earlier this week, which my goats do not like, but my plants do 😁

I spent a lot of last week and this week doing the final prep on my next adventure, all the while wishing I was cooling off in a swimming pool. But duty calls, no lounging for me! I got my prep work finished and I’m excited to finally share this with you!

If you are ready to jump in to the microcrochet pool (feet first, of course, and only in the shallow end, I promise) then I have some news for you: I’m hosting a free 5-day Scale Down Your Crochet Challenge via email and in my Facebook group, Hook Honey Hive for Microcrochet!

This challenge will be focused on using simple patterns along with smaller hook sizes and thinner yarn or thread to increase your comfort with working crochet in a smaller scale. I want to help you achieve your microcrochet dreams!

Every day from Monday, July 26 through Friday, July 30, I will send an email to challenge participants that will contain a simple, quick crochet pattern, plus the recommended hook and thread sizes to make that pattern in smaller scales. You choose which scale you make that day, or try out all of them! The pattern will be fast enough for you to make it more than once in a short amount of time.

I’ll be going live in the Facebook group each day at 1 pm ET, answering any questions that may come up for you and working that pattern live for you to see how I do it. You don’t need to join the group to participate in the challenge, but if you do join us there, you’ll enjoy the support of fellow participants, be able to show off your own versions of the challenge patterns, PLUS — I will be holding a prize giveaway that is only open to group members, so I do encourage you to join and participate in the group! You can join the group here!

To recap, this challenge will give you:

  • 5 free crochet patterns
  • tips and advice to start working in micro scale or refine your micro skills
  • the opportunity to enjoy a fun group with other microcrocheters
  • WIN PRIZES just by participating, not being first or perfect

Sound like heaven? It does to me too! The sign up form for the challenge is here! All you need is the hooks and yarn/thread you already have on hand and a willingness to try to crochet smaller.

I would love to help you stretch your skills! Hope you’ll join us!


Hook Honey Scale Down Your Crochet Challenge banner

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